Tuesday, October 6, 2009

For Kori

I would never want my words to wound a woman whose faith has saved her life
And I would never want my theories to cause a strong woman's doubt in her belief in the possibility of change
And I would never want her not to pray for me
Because I understand she believes where I can not
And I would never want anything I say to scrape the soul of a friend who loves and whose soul
Has been scraped too much, left to bleed when merely touched
I would rather reach out to her gently (so as not to hurt) and say
Thank-you for everything you say and do
For your beautiful strength
And these, these flowers are for you.
Do you see the caterpillars, feeding for their time of change
In the woods where I walked today?


  1. Lovely! I know what you mean.

  2. If you believe in love, and she believes in love, all bases are covered. I know of no religion or faith that could survive without it. So it matters little what we call our beliefs. Love trumps all and erases the distance. Believe me.

  3. Everyone has their right to believe what they will, just as we also have the right not to. It's what makes us human. Freedom of choice and expression. Love should have no confines, It's universal and should allowed to be given and received freely x

  4. this is a tough one.

    i have held back my comments so many times, because i understand i have a sort of faith not shared by all, and a deep love and respect for a book that people have used to do horrible, unspeakable damage to so many souls over the centuries.

    i will pray tonight...i will worry my needles and felt and thread and ribbons as i always do while i work.

    i will think about the women i love who live on the other side of this fence; whether the fence is made of dna or experience or hope, it matters none to me.

  5. you are such a beautiful soul, you care so deeply. the flowers are gorgeous.

  6. Adrienne- There have been so many times when I WANTED that sort of faith- who wouldn't? But it is not in me. I do not doubt it is in others. And I am learning. Thank you and so many others for teaching me.

    Maggie- Well, I do care. That's the truth.

  7. I'm with Miss Allegra Smith on this one. It's what it all boils down to.

  8. Allegra- Yes.

    Michelle- And yes again.

  9. I just love you. You are a sweet soul.

  10. Precious words, Ms. Moon. Love is acceptance. Yours is beautifully rendered.

    Fun to see your flowers. Another common language. I have the cypress vine here in hard-rock drought country (raised bed by porch, lovingly watered).

    I loved your comment on my morning post today. "My oak trees have so many stories...but only in my most aware moments can I speak oak and understand." A woman who hears the stories of the trees is clearly in tune.

    PS I added Bless Our Hearts to my Hill Country Mysteries blogroll so my friends can find you too.

  11. I feel much the same as yourself.

    The caterpillars are awesome. I wish I could find the same sort of wonders, but I don't seem to.


    Kathleen- Thank-you- it is nice getting to know you.

    Marsha- You have to look closely. You have to move by foot.

  13. You know where my faith lies? In people and the amazing things they do. That's where my faith lies.

  14. Ms. Trouble- ME TOO! That's why when people do amazing things and give credit to god, I just want to scream, "NO! You did this! YOU! With your amazing strength, your huge heart!"

  15. tolerance is a life long lesson for all of us i know blessings and good will are the same no matter what your belief system, but yes sometimes the language used and cultural assumptions that lie behind them bring up certain reactions for me too. as i get older i am getting better at letting it go, but i have to say, in my experience certain groups don't even realise 'they' have to be tolerant too.

    just sayin

    i grew up in a household caught up in the charismatic christian revival of the 1970's thanks to billy graham and his ilk. even as a child i never got religion (but spirituality is as vital as air to me) its taken me a looong time to accept there are actually lots of really amazing wonderful good christian people, and some of the people i love and respect most are christians of varying denominations. Without fail, though, the tolerance issue always comes up as I will not let things slide when i am insulted, but neither do i go out of my way to insult them. Fortunately we can agree to disagree most of the time. It is important to me that my children learn to make up their own minds about matters of faith and that they learn by example that muslims, buddhists, christians and hindus (my neck of the woods is culturally diverse) can all get along just fine with a bit of give and take but most of all with mutual respect

    you have a good heart and good intentions, take care ms moon


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